Lumps and Bumps on Dogs and Cats

Should You Worry?

Many dogs and cats get lumps and bumps in their lifetime. There are many different types. Some are benign/not a concern and can be monitored; and some can be severe life threatening cancers. At times, some “benign” lumps can actually still cause problems in the pet and need to be addressed (if they are getting large, interfering with movement, or in a tricky-to-remove location that may be easier to do when smaller).

Lumps or bumps that are clearly a problem and need evaluation right away are ones that grow rapidly, change in how they feel/look, grow and then shrink in size, are painful, oozing, changing color, or in troublesome locations bothering the pet.  Others may not be quite as obvious that they could be a problem, but you should still have them looked at by a doctor. There is a common skin cancer in dogs called a Mast Cell Tumor which can start out looking like a simple, less concerning mass, but is actually a cancer that often has a much better outcome if addressed when small!  In some instances, the Mast Cell Tumor can look and feel like a benign fatty lump or look like a bug bite that swells up and down. 

A relatively simple and minimally invasive technique to check some of these lumps and bumps is with a needle cytology. In many instances, we can give an idea if it looks like a benign fatty lipoma or cyst or a more concerning cancerous Mast Cell Tumor. Sometimes, we are not able to identify the cells but may seek the aid of a pathologist or recommend to surgically remove the mass for a full biopsy. You should keep track of your pet’s lumps and bumps and take them to a veterinarian for evaluation when you find a new/changing one so we can help determine the best route of treatment!

Dr. Kristin Christy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Animal Hospital of Statesville