Doc Talk Vlog

Fireside Chat #5 The Avian Flu

Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs UTIs

Fireside Chat #3 Megaesophagus Dr Ashly LaRoche

Lakeside Chat Episode 6 - IVDD Intervertebral Disc Disease - What is it, and is Your Dog at Higher Risk?

Fireside Chat Episode 2 - Seizures in Pets

Fireside Chat Episode 1 - Canine Mystery Illness

Lakeside Chat Episode 5 - Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)

Lakeside Chat Episode 4 - Toxoplasmosis

Lakeside Chat Episode 3 - Osteoarthritis in Dogs

Lakeside Chat Episode 2 - Lyme Disease

Lakeside Chat Episode 1 - Leptosporosis - Is my Dog at Risk?