
B.S. in Animal Science

Guest Services Assistant

Amber joined our GSA staff in 2024. She's local enough - born and raised in Olin, North Carolina! She attended North Iredell High School and went on to Virginia Tech to graduate with a B.S. in Animal Science with an emphasis in Equine and Companion Animals. While going through the process of applying and being accepted into veterinary school, Amber wanted further veterinary experience, as it not only helps the chances of acceptance into vet school, but gives her even more exposure to animal care than she already has! As an undergraduate, she worked in kennels in various animal hospitals and in a shelter. She also has lots of practice with caring for horses, not only her own, but those in a stable and Virginia Tech's equine units. While this is all great experience, she was well-versed in animal care before college, being raised on a farm where she cared for not only cats and dogs, but goats, horses, chickens and ducks! She is a "horse person", loving to ride, and she has also worked with police and military dogs! Amber is knowledgeable about dog training, as well. She's been a valuable addition to our staff, and her experience prior to AHS and during, should benefit her greatly as she starts her vet school application process.

She loves to spend time with her family and friends, as evidenced by her return to Olin after graduating from Virginia Tech! We're happy to have her for as long as she's here, and we'll be rooting for her, whether she goes to vet school or graduate school, as fate will determine!