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Feline Cystitis

Feline Cystitis is the medical term for what most cat owners think of a bladder infection. The cat may show signs such as straining to urinate, urinating outside the litter pan, and producing blood in the urine. While these can definitely be signs of bladder infection, bladder infections are actually quite rare in cats. Feline cystitis is a very complex medical condition involving the nervous system, kidneys, adrenal glands and bladder, along with environmental conditions.

Diagnosis is often difficult and frustrating, as there are many possible causes of the cat’s problem including:

Bladder stones • Behavioral issues • Interstitial Cystitis • Litter pan issues • Stress • Cancer • Diet

Symptoms of cystitis in your cat definitely indicate a need to see your veterinarian, where treatment will definitely include pain management, as well as possible additional medications or supplements, diet changes, water fountains or even surgery.

- Chip Cooney, DVM

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